Certified packaging
Things to consider when choosing a packaging supplier
Green projects
Customer Cases
More sustainable packaging solutions
E-commerce Packaging for Jewellery
Flaph - bold packaging for uncompromising fashion
Høyer was relieved from the responsibility of packaging
A comprehensive packaging solution that benefits both the economy and the environment
A shipping bag with more sustainable choices
Sustainable options for Oleana's new packaging
The Carrier Bag Generating Traffic to ARK Bookstore’s Website
Durable Packaging Solution for Eplehuset
Stormberg’s Packaging Embraces the Environment
All Inclusive Packaging Solution for Denmark's Largest Sports Chain
Eco-friendly initiatives in everyday bags at Normal
Sustainable Design for Björn Borg
Help us make a difference
Help us make a difference
The environment and sustainability are important to a lot of our customers. That’s why they choose to have their packaging and products made of FSC®-certified paper and their products printed with watercolours. When you do business with us, you’ll help us make a difference for the environment. All FSC® product groups are available in: FSC 100%, FSC Mix and FSC Recycled: Paper bags, gift boxes, gift papers, silk paper, corrugated cardboard, receipt rolls, and paper cups. Hangers are only available in FSC 100%.

FSC® – the strongest trademark in forestry
FSC® – the strongest trademark in forestry
When you choose an FSC®-certified packaging solution, Scanlux Packaging can add the FSC® label to your products. It is the strongest trademark within sustainable forestry, among other things because it is used worldwide. FSC® is your guarantee of sustainable forestry. In FSC®-certified forests vulnerable areas are protected, and new trees are planted when existing trees are cut down. This acts as a counterbalance towards deforestation. At the same time, FSC® works to ensure fair conditions throughout the supply chain – from the moment the saw blade cuts the tree to the day the paper reaches the shop.
The local communities receive a fair share of the profits, and the foresters get decent wages, have access to safety equipment and work under a contract. Well-reputed organisations such as the WWF and the Danish Society for Nature Conservation support the FSC® policy to promote responsible human management of nature.
Facts about FSC®
FSC® stands for Forest Stewardship Council®. It is a global, non-profit certification system for producing sustainable timber and paper. Companies and consumers who choose FSC®-certified packaging help to:
- Safeguard nature in the forests.
- Give foresters proper working conditions: wages, education and safety equipment.
- Ensure that the packaging does not originate from illegal logging.
- Ensure new trees are planted when existing trees are cut down.
FSC® is your guarantee the world’s forests do not suffer
View FSC® certicateEnvironmental awareness
Environmental awareness
Through the international standard for environmental management ISO 14001 Scanlux Packaging is able to ensure not only that we produce environmentally responsible products, but also that the environment has been taken into consideration throughout the working process – from the moment someone got the idea for a product to the day the end product reaches your hands. ISO 14001 is your guarantee that Scanlux Packaging does more than develop and invest in green machinery. We have a clear environmental policy, ensuring that our staff considers and implements eco-friendly working procedures. ISO 14001 is the main standard for environmental management, and it makes high demands on companies to implement eco-friendly everyday working and production processes.
Scanlux Packaging is subject to ongoing controls, where independent parties determine whether Scanlux Packaging meets the ISO 14001 demands for environmental management, and whether our staff abides by them in practice.
Facts about ISO 14001
- International adherence to environmental management standards created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
- Through environmental management the company must actively minimise any environmental impact of the company’s processes, products and services.
- Ensures that the company meets both legal requirements and own standards for environmental management.
ISO 14001 is your guarantee that environmental issues have been taken into consideration throughout the process.
ISO 14001 certificatePaptic - a sustainable material that has the qualities of plastic
Paptic - a sustainable material that has the qualities of plastic
The use of home shopping has increased dramatically, and packaging is more than ever a key factor when customers choose where to shop.
We love new innovative materials that meet the demand of conscious consumers.
READ ABOUT PAPTICDive into our world
Design is key
Let us invite you into a world of
bold colours and patterns,
magnificent materials, innovative
designs and sustainable solutions.
Are you green enough for Gen Y and Z
The younger your audience, the higher the demand for sustainable choices. In the young modern consumers eyes, you need to walk the talk and prove what you do for the environment.
Shipping beauty in sustainable packaging
"We love beauty and are driven by a conviction that all people are beautiful". A statement from the Norwegian beauty webshop BliVakker. A company that believes that good customer service also is about the quality of their packaging.
Let's talk
We would like to hear from you if you have any question or need a quote. Fill out this form and one of us will get it touch with your shortly.