Packaging designers

Design Audit

Our contact information

Scanlux Packaging A/S
Kratbjerg 308
DK-3480 Fredensborg

Sales Office, Sweden
Kungstorget 8, 252 78 Helsingborg, Sweden

Contact details
Phone: +45 4824 2900
Email: [email protected]

Or contact us in the form below.

Three good reasons

30+ years of innovation, curiosity & being nerds

Full service, All-round, packaging logistics

We take care of: your packaging - inventory - everything

Why choose Scanlux?

The first impression is vital, and the visual and tactile experience is everything. If your product inspires great expectations already in your packaging, you leave your audience with a brand memory worth sharing. Let us help you find the perfect packaging solution to elevate your brand in the hands of your customers.

Here's why

Explore our world


Packaging as a marketing tool

Let's go all in on your packaging!  Your packaging can help you drive better marketing, higher ROI, and better visualisation of your brand.

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Design project

Design and emotions unite in these wine bags!

A wine bag needs to be able to carry the weight of the wine, but it should also evoke emotions. How did we combine aesthetics and practicality in the design? 

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Why choose Scanlux Packaging

Leave a lasting impression with your packaging

The first impression is vital, and the visual and tactile experience is everything. If your product inspires great expectations already in your packaging, you leave your audience with a brand memory worth sharing.
Let's unbox your brand's potential
Black Corrugated Winebox 2 Bottle was added to your shopping cart