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Packaging designers

Design Audit

Leave an imprint not a footprint

We have concrete goals for our environmental efforts. The environment and sustainability have played a major role at Scanlux Packaging for many years.

Our environmental policy is a task we all take on together. This means that we work hard to ensure that all employees know and understand our environmental policy. This applies to all our processes from idea, design, production and transport of packaging. Our employees integrate our environmentally-conscious initiatives into their everyday lives and use them as a guideline in their work.

We became environmentally certified in 2016 and have continuously improved our environmental efforts through concrete initiatives in connection with the production, transport and disposal of packaging.

We work actively and systematically to reduce our impact on the environment. We do our best to protect the environment through all our procedures. Our environmental policy contains objectives and initiatives for how to achieve them.

Our environmental policy is a process

This also means that we regularly evaluate our environmental impact. We prepare action plans, which are renewed every six months. We continuously evaluate the initiatives we have already implemented and adjust where needed.

We also strive to stay updated on what’s happening around the world, as we want to be as well-informed as possible about developments in sustainability to learn how Scanlux can be even more aware of sustainability in our daily work and new initiatives.

We will contribute actively to taking responsibility for our impact on society and the environment.

Read more about ESG at Scanlux Packaging
Clothes emerging from gift box GIF

EcoVadis Bronze Medal 2025

We are incredibly proud to have achieved an EcoVadis  Bronze Medal. This is a recognition we have diligently worked towards, highlighting our commitment to sustainable business practices.

We rank among the top 20% of all companies that have been certified by EcoVadis. Engaging with sustainability is an ongoing and evolving process. We are always striving to become an even better and more relevant partner for our customers.


Learn more about our EcoVadis rating here

We want to be not only a packaging supplier for our customers, but also a business partner that actively contributes to taking responsibility for our impact on society and the environment.

Flowers in a paper bag

Meet the green standards

Lost in the certificate jungle?
FSC® and ISO14001 are some of the most important certifications to guarantee that both climate and environment are taken into account, when choosing sustainable packaging.


Going green?

More sustainable packaging solutions. 

We are obsessed with new innovative materials

The use of home shopping has increased dramatically, and
packaging is more than ever a key factor when customers
choose where to shop.

We love new innovative materials that
meet the demand of conscious consumers. Like Paptic - a
sustainable material that has the qualities of plastic


Dive into our world


Going green?

We are FSC® certified (C126290) and have many years of experience in guiding our customers to more environmentally friendly packaging. Let's find the best fit for your business together.

Go greener

Design project

The luxury packaging reflecting the passion for colours and environment

Anna + nina's universe is rich in colours and exciting designs. Their packaging reflects the company's originality and their desire to make a difference to the environment.

Get a look into anna + nina's packaging universe

Customer case

Wear it, wear it again

Flaph believes we can all become much better at thinking sustainability into our clothing habits. Scanlux Packaging has designed their unique and exclusive colour explosion of a shipping bag.

This is how they chose their packaging design
Black Corrugated Winebox 2 Bottle was added to your shopping cart