Our guidelines
It is of great importance to us – through our contracts and our communication – to ensure that the conditions at our suppliers meet our standards and guidelines – knowing full well that legislation and differences in cultures all over the world mean different conditions.
We emphasize to all our partners and suppliers the importance of the production is being carried out by people who are treated with respect and work under good conditions. Accept and compliance of our Code of Conduct is an integrated part of the business agreements that Scanlux enters into. It is ensured through contracts, thorough information, continuous reporting and control.
Here you can read the total Code of Conduct.
Scanlux requires our suppliers to use the present Code of Conduct in cooperation with their own suppliers, and to ensure their compliance. Suppliers have full responsibility for ensuring that subcontractors comply with Scanlux Code of Conduct. All suppliers shall always keep Scanlux informed as to where each order is being produced.
Monitoring and evaluation
Scanlux will monitor relevant suppliers and their facilities to ensure compliance with Scanlux Code of Conduct. Suppliers will maintain on site all documentation that may be needed to demonstrate compliance with Scanlux Code of Conduct. The suppliers authorise Scanlux itself or through third parties to carry out inspections, which guarantee the observance of this Code, providing these super-visors with access to the necessary data and documentation and means to ensure this process: We require all suppliers to provide Scanlux with:
- Full access concerning where each order is being produced.
- Full access for on-site inspection, including unannounced visits, by Scanlux and/or assigned representatives.
- Access to records, which will enable us to determine compliance with the Scanlux Code of Conduct.
- Access to employees for confidential interviews during monitoring visits.
The result of the monitoring will be documented in a monitoring report. Scanlux will enter into a constructive dialogue with the supplier to improve the overall working environment for the employees. Scanlux will request adequate action plans to correct monitoring findings. If improvements do not progress in a manner acceptable Scanlux, we will terminate the supplier relationship.
Child labour
Scanlux will not accept and will not conduct business with any supplier that uses child labour. The supplier is not allowed to use employees at an age younger than 15 years old in production or anywhere else in the business. If national law sets the limit for the definition of a “child” at any other age, the national law applies. In countries where the law permits apprenticeship programmes we will accept that children of this age work a few hours per day.
The factory must be able to prove that this work is not interfering with the child’s education, that the work is limited to a few hours per day, that the work is light and clearly aimed at training, and that the person is properly compensated. If we have any reason to doubt that these conditions are met, such apprenticeship programmes will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of each Supplier to verify the age of all workers, and this information must be accessible for audit at any time. If child labour is detected Scanlux will request the factory to make sure that measures taken are in the child’s best interest.
We will, in cooperation with the factory, seek to find a satisfactory solution, taking into consideration the child’s age, social situation, education etc. Any measures taken should always aim to improve, not worsen, each individual child’s situation. Scanlux reserves the right to involve local or international organisations with a view to securing the child’s future. Compensation and Working Hours Wages should be paid regularly, on time and be fair in respect of the work performance. Wages, compensation for overtime and payment procedures should comply with the current law of the country of the supplier. Additionally, suppliers must provide all legally mandated benefits. Withholding wages must not be used as a disciplinary measure. Working hours should be in accordance with the current law of the country of the supplier. This applies both to daily and weekly working hours. Working hours exceeding 60 hours per week must be on a voluntary basis and must be planned in a way that ensures safe and humane working conditions.

The environment is of increasing concern both locally and globally and Scanlux expects the suppliers to act responsibly in this matter. The suppliers of Scanlux shall comply with all local laws and regulations regarding the protection of the environment. Our suppliers must strive to reduce waste and emissions to air, ground and water, handle chemicals in an environmentally safe way, and handle, store and dispose of hazardous waste in accordance with all laws and regulations.
Protection of animals
Scanlux does not use animal fur in any shape or form. In connection with animal farming, suppliers shall consider the biological needs of the animal rather than try to make the animal adapt to the conditions available.
Harassment and abuse
The employees of our suppliers shall be treated with dignity and respect. Under no circumstances shall physical punishment, harassment of any type or abuse of power be permitted.
Non discrimination
Scanlux will not conduct business with suppliers, which discriminate in hiring and employment practices on the grounds of race, religion, age, national origin, political opinion, union membership, sexual orientation, or gender. Female workers should be given their stipulated maternity leave in case of pregnancy. Dismissal of pregnant female workers is not acceptable.
The managers of the suppliers shall inform their employees about the contents of the present Code of Conduct and place a posting of the code in a place readily accessible to employees. Scanlux expects all suppliers to respect the above Code of Conduct on an on-going basis and to actively do their utmost to achieve our standards. We trust our own staff to take a lot of responsibility in their work, and we expect from our suppliers that they do the same. We believe in co-operation and we are willing to work with our suppliers to achieve workable solutions in each individual case.
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